General Telehealth Services

Top-tier medical care at the touch
of a button


Online doctors, face-to-face warmth

Whether you choose us as your primary care provider or as a supplemental service, Pod Health’s virtual clinic is always just a click away.

Primary care Supportive relationships for long-term health goals

Experience a dedicated care team and a more coordinated, informed care experience. From annual exams to personalized action plans, access all you need to meet your health goals.

How it works

Connect by web or phone to choose your preferred doctor and schedule a preliminary visit.

02Virtual visit

A clinical exam will provide ample time to discuss your health concerns and medical history with your doctor. Your doctor can order tests and make referrals as necessary.

03Next steps

Receive a personalized health plan and maintain progress through follow-up visits.

Whole-person care Care across a wide range of needs

Your single source for addressing everyday healthcare needs- flu, cough, strep throat, pink eye, backache, rash, arthritis, food poisoning, and more.

How it works

Connect with our medical team by web or phone and request an on-demand, or scheduled visit.

02Virtual visit

Visit with Pod’s team by web or phone to resolve and clarify your health concerns.


You’ll receive a visit summary in your online file and a prescription will be sent to your local pharmacy, if needed.


Get started with general telehealth

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